• Scholarship Goal: 5000 Scholarship Awarded to date 1500

Empowering Action through Evidence-Based Insights Uncover the truth, inform solutions, and drive impact with CINDRAN’s cutting-edge research initiatives. Our community-driven research agendas and participatory action research approach ensure that the voices and needs of those most affected by inequality are at the forefront of our work. By employing a mixed-methods approach, we paint a comprehensive picture of the challenges faced by communities across Africa. Through innovative data visualization and storytelling techniques, we translate complex findings into compelling narratives that inspire action.

CINDRAN’s knowledge mobilization and capacity-building efforts empower communities and stakeholders to harness the power of evidence for advocacy, policy change, and program development. With robust monitoring and evaluation frameworks, we track the impact of our interventions, ensuring continuous improvement and accountability in our pursuit of social justice. Join us in our mission to uncover the insights that drive transformative change and create a more equitable world for all.


A world where research and data are accessible, actionable, and used to drive positive social change.


To conduct rigorous, community-driven research that uncovers insights, informs solutions, and empowers communities to advocate for equality and justice.